Intervention Strategies
Do intervention strategies in the regular education classroom apply to students referred for speech or language impairments?
Intervention strategies are required for students referred for a suspected language disability but may be waived for students suspected of having articulation, voice, or fluency problems.
Is progress monitoring in the regular education classroom required for students referred for a speech or language impairment?
Progress monitoring does not include initial articulation, voice, or fluency referrals but does include language referrals since children referred for suspected language problems must participate in RtI.
If a student is SLI for articulation only and is experiencing academic difficulties, does he/she need to go through the PST and interventions before doing further testing?
No. The student has already been determined eligible for special education services and is, therefore, eligible for any service that the IEP Team determines is required after appropriate evaluations have been completed (Process Chart 3). The IEP Team may determine that the reevaluation process (Process Chart 2) would be appropriate to determine if a different disability area more accurately represents the difficulties the child is experiencing.
How do you handle summer referrals by parents?
Remember that intervention strategies in the regular education classroom may be waived for parent referrals. The IEP Team must meet to act on parent referrals in the summer. If the IEP Team believes that more information is needed, the interventions can be implemented when school begins. Otherwise, the public agency proceeds with the evaluation. The public agency must document the decision in the student folder in STISETS.
Can children who have less than eight weeks of interventions be referred for special education services?
This rule may be waived for a child who has severe problems that require immediate attention, for three- and four-year-olds, for five-year-olds who have not been in kindergarten, for children with articulation, voice, or fluency problems only, for children with a medical diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, and for a child who has been referred by his or her parents. AAC 290-8-9.01(4).
How long should interventions be implemented for those students who need immediate help? (Example: severe behavior problems)
The requirement of intervention strategies may be waived for a child who has severe problems that require immediate attention. AAC, Chapter 290-8-9-.01(4).
When a parent contacts school personnel about concerns or a referral for a child, can the public agency talk to the parent about intervention strategies before an actual referral?
Yes, school personnel are strongly encouraged to discuss the options with parents on a case-by-case basis. However, keep in mind that the interventions may be waived for a parent referral per the AAC 290-8-9-.01(4). In addition, SES recommends intervention strategies be provided during the evaluation process if a determination is made to proceed with an initial evaluation.
What types of information should be included in the “Parent Information” section of the Referral for Evaluation form?
This section may include any relevant information such as independent evaluation results, medical reports, observations, etc. Any information supporting the need for referral would be appropriate.
Can interventions be done for four weeks if the school is on the block schedule?
No. The AAC does not allow for shortening the length of time for intervention strategies.
Are intervention strategies required for three and four-year-olds?
No, intervention strategies may be waived for this age group and for five-year-olds who have not been in kindergarten. See AAC290-8-9.01(4).