Dispute Resolution

General Information



Dispute Due Process Complaint 

Dispute Due Process Hearing Procedures

Dispute Due Process Complaint – Chinese

Dispute Due Process Complaint – German

Dispute Due Process Complaint – Korean

Dispute Due Process Complaint – Spanish

Dispute Due Process Complaint – Vietnamese

Dispute IEP Facilitation Request

Dispute IEP Facilitation Request – Chinese

Dispute IEP Facilitation Request – German

Dispute IEP Facilitation Request – Korean

Dispute IEP Facilitation Request – Spanish

Dispute IEP Facilitation Request – Vietnamese

Dispute Mediation Request

Dispute Mediation Request – Chinese

Dispute Mediation Request – German

Dispute Mediation Request – Korean

Dispute Mediation Request – Spanish

Dispute Mediation Request – Vietnamese

Dispute Written State Complaint

Dispute Written State Complaint – Chinese

Dispute Written State Complaint – German

Dispute Written State Complaint – Korean

Dispute Written State Complaint – Spanish

Dispute Written State Complaint – Vietnamese

This brochure provides a quick reference for FIEPs in Alabama.

CADRE is funded by OSEP to provide technical assistance about dispute resolution, including mediation.

Policy for accepting electronic submissions of written state complaints and due process hearing requests.

Quick Tips – Mediation

Quick Tips for Dispute Resolution-Understanding Due Process

Parent Resources



IDEA Dispute Resolution Comparison Chart

Engaging Parents in Productive Partnerships

Facilitated IEP (FIEP) Parent Guide

A parent resource produced by CADRE. Suggestions on how to effectively work with your child’s school.

A parent resource produced by CADRE. It is not intended to interpret, modify, or replace any procedural safeguards or requirements of federal or state law.

A parent resource produced by CADRE. It is not intended to interpret, modify, or replace any procedural safeguards or requirements of federal or state law.

A parent resource produced by CADRE. It is not intended to interpret, modify, or replace any procedural safeguards or requirements of federal or state law.

A parent resource produced by CADRE. It is not intended to interpret, modify, or replace any procedural safeguards or requirements of federal or state law.

Parent Tips for Conflict and Dispute Resolution of Special Education Issues

Spanish and Other Languages



Spanish Parent Guide – Due Process

Spanish Parent Guide – Facilitated IEP (FIEP)

Spanish Parent Guide – Mediation

Spanish Parent Guide – Resolution Meeting

Spanish Parent Guide – Written State Complaints

Spanish – Comparison Chart

Participación de los Padres en Asociaciones Productivas – A parent resource produced by CADRE.

Pasos hacia el Éxito: Comunicación con la escuela de su hijo – A parent resource produced by CADRE.