The ALSDE Accountability team works with Alabama’s districts/schools and sections within the ALSDE to provide information regarding Alabama’s Accountability Models. In addition, the Accountability section assists districts in the utilization of this data to make research based decisions that are best suited to meet the needs of students.
Alabama Act No. 2012-402
Alabama Act No. 2015-434
On December 10, 2015 President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a long awaited overhaul of the federal education law. This law replaces the No Child Left Behind Act. ESSA represents a shift from broad federal oversight or primary and secondary education to greater flexibility and decision making at the state and local levels. This measure reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. ESSA requires each state to develop a plan that is designed to close achievement gaps, increase equity of instruction and increase outcomes for all students.
Read the Every Student Succeeds Act
Provides a history of the ESEA and transition to the ESSA.
Alabama anticipates submitting its plan in Fall 2017. Alabama’s plan will be aligned to the goals and strategies in Alabama Ascending. When creating the plan, Alabama consulted with stakeholders. During the fall of 2016, the Alabama State Department of Education along with the Governor’s established Task Force held several topic area meetings to explore the Every Student Succeeds Act with stakeholders. During the fall of 2016, a statewide tour was held to inform stakeholders of the initial work of Alabama’s ESSA team.
The latest Alabama ESSA State Plan
Alabama’s ESSA COVID-19 Addendum
Every Student Succeeds Act
Each state is required to develop a plan that includes a description of the statewide accountability system.
Timeline for State Plan Development
This Key Decisions Template is a based on recommendations from the ESSA Implementation Committee Members. This document was presented to the Alabama State Board of Education during the November 10, 2016 work session.
This Key Decisions Template is a based on recommendations from the ESSA Implementation Committee Members.
Dates and Location of Tour
Map of Locations
Resources and Information regarding the Every Student Succeeds Act.
U.S. Department of Education Releases Guidance on Supporting Early Learning through the Every Student Succeeds Act
Pamphlet contains information presented during the state wide ESSA Engagement Tours.
Presentation given at Tour stops
Fact Sheet: Congress Acts to Fix No Child Left Behind
Key Policy Letters Signed by the Education Secretary or Deputy Secretary
Dear Colleague Letter on ESSA Transition
Accountability Guide for English Language Learners under ESEA
Key Policy Letter Signed by the Education Secretary that describes key reforms.
ESSA prioritizes excellence and equity for our students and supports great educators.
Document offers guidance on a provision in the law that is of importance to tribal communities.
Addresses additional questions regarding the flexibilities available in order to ensure an orderly transition to ESSA.
Supporting school reform by leveraging Federal Funds in a schoolwide Program
Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Learning
English Learners and Title III, Part A, of the ESEA as amended by the ESSA
Powerpoint for ESSA – December 2015
Alabama’s Accountability System Technical Guide
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