English Language Arts (ELA) is a part of Instructional Services and is responsible for providing support to teachers and schools throughout the state in the implementation of the Alabama Course of Study: English Language Arts. We develop resources for teachers, deliver statewide and school-based professional development, and support schools in the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. In addition, our mission is to ensure that all students become proficient in various areas of literacy and communication in order to become successful citizens and be prepared for college and career pathways.
The 2021 Alabama Course of Study: English Language Arts
The State Board of Education adopted the 2021 Alabama Course of Study: English Language Arts in the spring of 2021. The vision of this course of study is to reach the whole child by providing a comprehensive grounded in the science of reading, as required by the Alabama Literacy Act for grades K-3,further fostering critical and conceptual thinking for lifelong learning.
Budgeting Information
Library Media Handbook
This is a measure to ensure that Alabama’s students with dyslexia are provided with early identification and dyslexia-specific intervention through general education in Alabama schools as part of the Problem-Solving Team process. The code ensures that Alabama is equipped to appropriately serve students with dyslexia.
Dyslexia Revisions to the Alabama Administrative Code
Alabama Dyslexia Resource Guide – Updated
Dyslexia-Regulations Governing Public Schools
The Alabama Legislature passed the Alabama Literacy Act [HB388], which became a law on June 10, 2019. This legislation, based on the best current research, provides comprehensive information and guidance for educators and requires concentrated, systematic efforts to improve the reading skills of all public-school students so that every student is reading at or above grade-level by the end of Grade 3. The Alabama Literacy Act outlines steps to improve the reading proficiency of each student in Kindergarten through Grade 3 and ties the student’s progression from one grade to the next, in part, to his/her proficiency in reading. The legislation defines specific foundational skills to be taught and mastered in Alabama public schools.
Alabama Action Plan for Literacy 2020
Alabama Literacy Act Implementation Guide
Lexi’s Law requires cursive handwriting to be taught by the end of third grade in all state schools. Lexi’s Law prescribes a standardized method for teaching cursive handwriting and provides classroom instruction plans outlining when and how cursive handwriting is to be taught.
Students whose first language is not English, designated as English Learners (ELs), are expected to “meet the (same) challenging State academic standards expected of all students” [ESEA section 1113(C)(i)(II)(cc)]. According to the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice (2015), “EL students are entitled to appropriate language assistance services to become proficient in English.” Each EL student is therefore entitled to instructional supports, scaffolds, and services that support him or her to meet grade-level standards and to participate meaningfully in the English Language Arts classroom while they acquire English.
Schoology Information to Include:
Marzano’s Proficiency Scales
ACAP Instructional Supports
Writing Supports
Practice Essay for Text Dependent Writing 1
Practice Essay for Text Dependent Writing 2
AdLit – All About Adolescent Literacy
Alabama Camellia Children’s Choice Book Award — The Camellia Children’s Choice Book Award engages Alabama students in choosing their favorite books of the year. Awards are given in the following categories: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8 (pending submissions). Below are pertinent dates:
May 1, 2022—Deadline for Publisher Submissions
October 1, 2022 – February 1, 2023 – Libraries register to participate
February 15, 2023 – March 30, 2023 – Voting window open
June 2023 – Winners announced at ASLA Summer Conference
Scholastics Art and Writing Competition 2022
Through the Scholastic Awards, teens in grades 7 -12 (ages 13 and up) from public, private, or home schools can apply in 29 categories of art and writing for their chance to earn scholarships and have their works exhibited and published. Registration now open.
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