Graduation Requirements FAQs
When will the new diploma be implemented?
The new Alabama High School Diploma (AHSD) will apply to all students beginning with the ninth-grade class cohort of 2013-2014. Student transcripts must continue to be true and accurate and must show that the students met the requirements of their courses of study or their Individualized Educational Program (IEP). Whenever there are changes to graduation requirements, a specific cohort is identified as the first to be affected; prior cohorts, as in past changes, continue under the requirements in place at the time they were ninth graders.
Are school systems allowed to have a locally developed tiered diploma (Magna Cum Laude, etc.)?
Will this replace all variations of the diploma as in the advanced diploma?
Yes. Local education agencies (LEAs) may add endorsements.
What is the purpose in making this change?
The purpose for the change is to allow more flexibility for students in pursuing their interests. There are many differences in the courses students may take with this diploma; everyone will not take the same courses just because there is one diploma. Also, LEAs may add requirements for additional diplomas.