The US DOE is issuing this guidance to provide SEAs, LEAs, schools, educators, and partner organizations with information to assist them in selecting and using “evidence-based” activities, strategies, and interventions.

The purpose of this decision-making tool is to guide and support individualized education program (IEP) Teams in determining whether a student is most appropriately assessed with an alternate assessment.

Change is inevitable in all aspects of life. The science of chemistry creates varied changes resulting in outcomes that can affect all living and non-living organisms. It is important to understand the role that chemistry plays in the changes that occur which affect all matter.

The Alabama State Board of Education and ALSDE offer a debt of gratitude for the leadership that Mr. Jeff Newman has shown through his hard work and dedication to public education and the students of the great state of Alabama.

This document contains a summary of employee leave laws for Alabama public school employees. Included with applicable legal opinions, the summary includes sick leave, personal leave, sick leave banks, catastrophic sick leave, on-the-job injury, leave of absence, vacations, military leave, and military leave differential pay for employees activated for the war on terrorism.

Adult care centers receive payments for serving nutritious meals to adults who are 60 or older, or who are physically or mentally impaired to the extent that limits their independence and ability to carry out activities of daily living.