Eric G. Mackey, Ed.D.

Secretary and Executive Office

Dr. Eric G. Mackey serves as the Alabama State Superintendent of Education. Since being named state superintendent in April 2018, Mackey has focused on innovative initiatives outlined in his strategic plan, Alabama Achieves, including the Alabama Literacy Act, STEM, Career Technical Education, and workforce development. He recognizes the importance of the whole child approach in promoting the long-term development and success of all children.

During his tenure, high school graduation and college and career readiness rates have increased with Alabama’s high school seniors of 2020 graduating at 90.6%. More than 87% of Alabama high schools students are currently enrolled in at least one career technical education class and Alabama has been ranked first in the South Central Region for workforce development in 2022.

Additionally, professional development opportunities for educators have expanded with almost 12,000 early childhood education teachers being trained on the science of reading and 90 teachers becoming Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALTs). In 2021, Alabama was ranked in the top six states in the nation for Computer Science.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mackey illustrated his strong leadership skills and unwavering dedication to the students and schools in the state. Because of his efforts, Mackey was named as one of the top 20 Alabamians Who Made a Difference in 2020New Window

Prior to being named State Superintendent, he served as Executive Director of the School Superintendents of Alabama, the professional association for local school system executives, for eight years. He began his career as a high school science teacher and then taught middle school science, where he discovered a passion for middle school education that continues to inform and influence his perspectives to this day. He went on to serve as principal of Kitty Stone Elementary School and then Superintendent of Jacksonville City School System.

Mackey currently serves on more than 30 boards including the Southern Regional Education Board, Alabama Public School and College Authority, Retirement Systems of Alabama, Interstate Military Children’s Compact Commission, and Alabama Germany Partnership. He also serves in leadership positions on several boards including Board Chair of the Alabama-Korea Education and Economic Partnership, and Commissioner for the Education Commission of the States. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Jacksonville State University as well as, a Master’s, Education Specialist and Doctoral degrees from The University of Alabama. Dr. Mackey is past president of the Montgomery Rotary Club, volunteers with Meals on Wheels, Boy Scouts, and teaches high school youth in Sunday School.