Tonya S. Chestnut, Ed.D.

Vice President, District 05


Phone: 334-327-8648

Dr. Chestnut is an experienced leader with over 30 years of instructional and administrative practice. Her commitment to educating the young and the mature is represented in her present and past service as a pastor, educational consultant, dean of teacher education, principal coach, federal programs director, curriculum director, principal, and teacher. Her message of inspiring school and classroom excellence has vastly impacted school leaders and teachers. Her progressive thinking and resolve to move education forward have transformed the lives of pre-service teachers into thriving teacher leaders. Not to mention, she has been favored to mentor administrators into becoming innovative instructional leaders.

Dr. Chestnut is a native of Selma, Alabama. She is married to Dr. Coley C. Chestnut, Sr. Together, they have five children, Tameka, Karley, Tamela, Coleysia, and Coley II. Moreover, she is the proud “Gigi” of five grandsons and one granddaughter. Her reach and service to mankind also extends into the community: she is the co-pastor of Fresh Anointing House of Worship Selma, an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., and Alabama Retired Educators Association.

Dr. Chestnut received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Jacksonville State University, a Master of Education Degree from Alabama State University in Early Childhood Education, and an Education Specialist Degree from Auburn University in Montgomery in Instructional Leadership. Dr. Chestnut also received a Doctor of Education Degree in Transformational Leadership from Concordia University, Portland, Oregon.