Subject Resources

Alabama Adapted Physical Education



The goal of the Adapted Physical Education Best Practices Quick Reference Guide is to enable physical educators to be successful in the implementation of adapted physical education.

Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Manual

Assistive Technology



Apple App Store full of tools that improve lives. Using the Accessibility features on an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, these apps help with everything from routine tasks to communication and language skills

Obtaining Alternate Format Textbooks and Core Instructional Materials for Student with Print Disabilities.

Discipline – General Information



Developing Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Connecting the Dots for Disciplinary Actions

Discipline guidance for students with disabilities.

Discipline Chart 1

Discipline Chart 2

Discipline Chart 3

Discipline Chart 4

Discipline Chart 5

Discipline Chart 6

Tips to conduct a Manifestation Determination Review

Discipline – Resources



Federal tools, resources, and technical assistance available to help educators to create supportive school climates

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Implementation Blueprint is to guide leadership teams in the assessment, development, and execution of action plans.

Laws and guidance on school climate and discipline




Press release from the Alabama Licensure Board for Interpreters and Transliterators regarding a change in the managing agent for the Board.

This OSEP letter provides guidance in the following three areas relative to Speech or Language Impairment: first, determining “adversely affects educational performance” in relation to speech or language impairment; second, substitutes and/or make-up of missed therapy sessions; and third, continuum of services for speech or language services.

Standards and Courses of Study



This document was developed by the 2021 Alabama Alternate Achievement Standards English Language Arts Committee. The English Language Arts Alternate Achievement Standards are directly aligned to the Alabama English Language Arts Standards. The English Language Arts Alternate Achievement Standards in this document were developed by general and special education teachers in Alabama to guide and direct instruction for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities.

This document was developed by the 2017 Alabama Alternate Achievement Standards English Language Arts Committee. The English Language Arts Alternate Achievement Standards are directly aligned to the Alabama English Language Arts Standards. The English Language Arts Alternate Achievement Standards in this document were developed by general and special education teachers in Alabama to guide and direct instruction for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities. Retiring June 2023

This document was developed by the 2019/2020 Alabama Course of Study Mathematics Task Force composed of both general and special education teachers of elementary, middle school, and high school grade levels. The Mathematics Alternate Achievement Standards are directly aligned to the Alabama Mathematics Standards. The Mathematics Alternate Achievement Standards in this document were developed by general and special education teachers in Alabama to guide and direct instruction for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities.

This document was developed by the 2017 Alabama Alternate Achievement Standards Science Committee. The Science Alternate Achievement Standards are directly aligned to the Alabama Science Standards. The Science Alternate Achievement Standards in this document were developed by general and special education teachers in Alabama to guide and direct instruction for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities.

This document was developed by the 2017 Alabama Alternate Achievement Standards Social Studies Committee. The Social Studies Alternate Achievement Standards are directly aligned to the Alabama Social Studies Standards. The Social Studies Alternate Achievement Standards in this document were developed by general and special education teachers in Alabama to guide and direct instruction for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities.

A toolkit created specifically with the alternate achievement standards teacher in mind. This resource gives the teacher the flexibility of having much needed resources in one location. Contents consist of day-to-day forms, guidance, resources linked by subject, assessment supports, professional development opportunities, and much more.

A toolkit created specifically with the inclusion and/or resource special education teacher in mind. This resource gives the teacher the flexibility of having much needed resources in one location. Contents consist of day-to-day forms, guidance, resources linked by subject, assessment supports, professional development opportunities, and much more.