The Education Trust Fund budget outlines a separate, increased salary schedule for the TEAMS plan. The matrix below illustrates the TEAMS salary increase by year of service and education level, plus the hard-to-staff supplement for TEAMS teachers that are hired by local education agencies. TEAMS teachers must hold a valid Alabama professional educator certificate or alternate certificate in middle level math or science OR secondary math, science or computer science AND teach [full-time] approved math and/or science courses in grades 6-12 with the appropriate certificate endorsements. The first matrix is the new TEAMS pay scale. The second matrix shows the difference between the standard teacher pay scale and the new TEAMS matrix. Any “hard-to-staff” supplement is added to the new base salary but is expected to be payable as part of the salary and not in a lump sum. Click here for all Salary Schedule information.
The information contained in this resource is for general guidance only. Although legal information is provided, this guidance should not be considered legal advice.
Act 2021-340 created the TEAMS Plan. Additionally, this act created the TEAMS Fund in the State Treasury for an annual allocation from the Legislature to support this plan.
The local superintendent confirms eligibility once a teacher applies. A teacher can only become a TEAMS teacher with the recommendation of the local superintendent and approval of the local Board. Teachers are hired by local school systems, not assigned by the State Department of Education. Not all math and science teachers will necessarily receive TEAMS contracts.
Each school district will receive one math and one science position for every 105 students in combined grades 6-12. FY25 District TEAMS Allocations.
No, the law provides that the TEAMS fund shall allocate one position for math and one for science for every 105 students in combined grades 6-12. Districts could fill additional positions from other funding sources, but the TEAMS fund allocates money to local districts in accordance with the law.
Visit our teachinalabama portal to apply for positions around the state and make sure to complete the TEAMS section. Even if TEAMS positions are not specifically posted, you are able to select a district of your choice and your application will be sent directly to that district. If you have previously used this website to apply in Alabama, you will need to make necessary updates under the TEAMS section. See also Q-7.
The application is available by visiting Teacher Center - Alabama Department of Education (alabamaachieves.org)To be sure you are applying for a TEAMS position in your school district only, here are some tips you can use when completing the application:
Do I have to apply again once I have had a contract?
A second application is not required by the law but could be required by a local board. Page one of the model contract provides, in part, “This preliminary contract may be extended, at the sole option of Board, on a year-to-year basis for a maximum of no more than three (3) years from the beginning date of the contract. The Board may extend this preliminary contract for a period of up to six (6) years from the beginning date of the contract under limited circumstances as outlined under the Act. The maximum preliminary contract period is limited to the Teacher’s overall employment in Alabama public schools and does not renew or extend upon changing employment to another district. A Superintendent may request Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) approval for a teacher to opt-in to the TEAMS program for a second time under limited circumstances such as health conditions, family emergency, or change in county of residence pursuant to the Act. No later than June 30th of the final year of this preliminary contract, the Board shall provide written notice to the Teacher of either nonrenewal of this contract pursuant to the Act or notice of a new contract offer. If no action is taken by the Board prior to June 30th of the year this preliminary contract expires, the contract shall be deemed renewed for one year subject to time limitations in the Act. If the Teacher has reached the maximum number of preliminary contract years and fails to qualify for an advanced contract, he or she shall be deemed nonrenewed pursuant to the Act.”
Visit our Teacher Center - Alabama State Department of Education (alabamaachieves.org) to apply and make sure to complete the TEAMS section. Also, see Q-6 and Q-7.
The department shall annually determine which schools are hard-to-staff based on out-of-field teaching assignments, poverty levels, etc. TEAMS employment in a Hard-to-Staff school qualifies for $5,000 supplement FY25 Hard-to-Staff Schools
The hard-to-staff school list is subject to change annually, but we do not anticipate large swings due to the underlying assumptions stated in the law.
There is no guarantee a participating TEAMS teacher would stay in a previous teaching assignment. Employment matters and teaching assignments are the determination of your local district.
Full-time means teaching all class periods during the day, except for a planning period. For instance, in a seven-period day, a teacher must teach six periods of qualifying math and/or science courses.
Yes, there will be opportunities to apply in the future. As long as positions are open in your school district, you may apply.
To view a full list of certifications, click List of Certifications
To view a full list of eligible courses, click List of Eligible Courses
“Full-time” means a participating teacher teaches every period in the approved math, science, and/or computer science courses, except for one planning period, equal in duration to the other instructional periods. The Model Contract should provide additional assistance to districts and teachers in thinking through specific schedule questions.
Waivers may be granted for teachers who are teaching one non-approved course . The standard is that we may allow TEAMS teachers to teach ONE non-approved course that improves student achievement in math/science for one period per day (equal in duration to other periods of day).
To determine if periods such as “Advisory” or “Homeroom” should be considered when evaluating a teacher’s schedule for full-time, please consider the following:
Yes. Dual Enrollment Courses that are approved for TEAMS may be found at Early College Initiatives
The list is subject to change as additional courses submitted for review receive approval.
Visit the Educator Certification Section to apply for certification based on certificate reciprocity.
There are several ways; however, the swiftest option is meeting requirements of the Additional Teaching Field Approach. You must hold a valid Alabama Professional Educator Certificate (in a teaching field) and pass the Alabama-approved Praxis subject assessment.
For other certification options, please visit Educator Certification.
Certain computer science certifications and courses are eligible. Generally, only those computer science courses that are approved for math or science core credits are approved. A Course Permit is allowable for the matching approved Course Permit course until June 30, 2024. The teacher’s professional educator certificate must otherwise qualify for TEAMS and the Course Permit will only be for those with a TEAMS-approved professional educator certificate.
Advanced Degree – A degree beyond the bachelor’s degree (e.g., master’s, education specialist, doctorate) earned at an institution that was regionally accredited at the time the degree was earned.
Advanced Certification – Alabama Professional Certificates are issued at the following levels:
The Class A and Class AA Professional Certificates are considered advanced certification.
Advanced Credential -- See the Advanced Credential section.
This is possible; however, the following should be considered:
Be advised that there may be other unforeseen circumstances that may adversely impact the individual.
No, an emergency certificate is not considered an alternate certificate. The alternate certificates are considered the provisional, interim, and conditional ones listed TEAMs Bill Certificates.
Generally, a teacher who has two periods of non-approved courses (5th grade Math/Science) is not eligible.
This could be dependent on various factors—such as are you employed through ACCESS or through a school district, are you the teacher of record or a facilitator?
We cannot say that all virtual or all alternative school teachers either are or are not eligible, but participation in the TEAMS program is completely dependent on:
If the answer to each of these questions is yes, then a teacher who is employed by a district, who teaches virtually or at an alternative school may be eligible. See also Q-25 as the virtual teacher is required to be teaching and not facilitating.
If you are teaching approved courses, you do not have to teach a certain number of students. The 105 number is used to determine how many positions each local school district will receive.
Note, in limited circumstances, we have approved two (2) non-approved courses to count toward teaching (full-time) under the TEAMS Act, but only with the understanding that after June 30, 2022, two (2) non-approved courses will no longer count as meeting the TEAMS teaching (full-time) requirement.
However, if you have any courses you wish to be considered as an equivalent for core mathematics and science courses and be approved for TEAMS, we encourage you to reach out to Instructional Services staff by email at to learn more about the course review process.
If you will visit the following linked document, Alabama State Department of Education Waiver Options and Request Procedures, it will outline the process for submitting a new course for review on page 3.
A teacher who does not hold the required advanced credential, but is otherwise eligible, may be offered a preliminary contract for one year, which can be extended from year-to-year for a maximum of three years.
A teacher meeting all the necessary criteria, including the advanced credential, may be offered an advanced TEAMS contract for up to a three-year contract period.
Act 2021-340 provides additional contract details, but generally provides:
After completion of a preliminary contract period a local board shall do one of the following:
After completion of an advanced contract period a local board shall do one of the following:
Termination: A board may terminate for cause anytime for any of the following reasons: immorality, insubordination, neglect of duty, conviction of a felony or crime of moral turpitude, failure to comply with board policy, incompetency, justifiable decrease in positions, and incarceration. If the board terminates the teacher without cause before the contract ends, the teacher is due the balance of the contract salary and benefits. Bear in mind that participation in the program and all contracts are subject to local superintendent recommendation and local board approval as well.
There is no set deadline for submission of TEAMS contracts. A district may hire to fill one of their TEAMS positions at any time. The contract and salary amount must be pro-rated to reflect on the time the teacher was “qualified.”
A teacher may qualify for one-year preliminary TEAMS contracts for up to three years while demonstrating adequate progress toward the advanced credential. Each advanced credential has unique requirements. Under very limited circumstances, some teachers may qualify for additional time, up to six years. The Model Contract details required “adequate progress” benchmarks for each one-year preliminary contract.
In limited circumstances, participating teacher with insufficient experience to obtain the advanced credential within three years may have his or her preliminary contract extended for a maximum of six total years.
Any teacher who is unable to obtain or maintain the advanced credential will no longer be eligible for the TEAMS plan.
Each individual contract must include a provision to ensure adequate progress toward the advanced contract qualifications, to include benchmark advancement during the teacher’s preliminary contract period. The Model Contract provides the required “adequate progress” benchmarks and spells out the penalties and/or recourse for failing to maintain progress toward the advanced credential.
A superintendent, on behalf of a participating teacher, may request a teacher be allowed to opt-in a second time after the teacher's previous failure to timely qualify for an advanced contract. These status exemptions (including, but not limited to, health conditions, family emergency, or change in county of residence) must be approved by the State Department of Education.
See all provisions of model contract
The law states that advanced contracts can be up to three years. They are not required to be for three years, rather an advanced contract may be for 1, 2, or 3 years (except for those with more than 20 years of service, which shall be 5 years).
Yes, the state offers a scholarship for any teacher who applies and is accepted. View the 2023 NBCT scholarship memorandum Visit 2023 NBCT Scholarship and FAQs
for additional information.
A teacher is required to complete the NBCT portfolio (all four components) within the time allowed by the National Board. The scholarship will only pay for up to four components (up to $1,900) and does not pay for sections that have to be retaken.
The state also provides a $5,000 base stipend to teachers that receive and currently hold a valid NBCT certification and an additional $5,000 stipend for certain NBCT teachers. See the 2021-2022 NBCT memorandum for additional information. New memorandum released each fiscal year under “memos” on Alabama State Department of Education Website
A participating teacher shall have an advanced credential from the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE) or the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)—Early Adolescence or Adolescences and Young Adulthood Math or Science.
The Act states: A participating teacher shall have obtained a specialized certification or credential issued by one of the following within three years of admission to the program:
Currently, the State Department of Education has no plans to create a new rigorous certification or credential—therefore, NISE and NBCT are the only options.
National Institute for STEM education details can be found on their website NISE Institute
We are aware that the NBCT certification must be renewed, but they have their own process for renewal. Once you complete your renewal, you will remain qualified for the TEAMS program. We are unaware of STEM certification renewal details. Please visit NISE websitefor more information.
There is no NISE STEM scholarship available through the state, but there is a possible NBCT scholarship in pursuit of the NBCT.
Also, there are no additional stipends on top of this new math/science schedule when one obtains a NISE STEM advanced credential. Those who obtain NBCT receive an independent NCBT stipend on top of this new salary schedule—see the NBCT stipend NBCT Memo
Generally, adequate progress for the STEM certification is one year. Because of the rigor of the two advanced credentials, one was given a longer time span of completion due to it being so in-depth with certain deadlines governed by the NBCT national organization.
The National Board of Professional Teacher Standards - Early Adolescence or Early Adolescence and Young Adulthood Math or Early Adolescence or Early Adolescence and Young Adulthood Science.
TEAMS teachers are required to be employed on 189-day contracts, and at least four (4) of the nine (9) professional development days in the contract must be approved by the State Department of Education. The Department will provide a published list of state-approved PD for TEAMS teachers.
The four days of approved PD can be distributed during the term of the annual contract at the discretion of a district, so long as the TEAMS teacher still works the 189 days. Ideally, each TEAMS contract is a 365-day contract for 189 working days (i.e., teachers are paid over 12 months) and the PD should be completed within the annual contract period.
View TEAMS Approved Professional Development list on the ALSDE website.
AP is “sponsored” by A+, so it is approved.
The time frame for Professional Development for each school year is determined by individual districts; additionally, Professional Development may be contract dependent. TEAMS contract required professional development should take place during the term of the annual contract.
TEAMS PD is like any other PD a teacher attends. If your district provides funds to cover professional learning expenses, it may be used on TEAMS PD.
Since AP is “sponsored” by A+, it counts as well.
TEAMS teachers must complete nine (9) days of professional development during their contract period, four (4) of which must be state-approved PD. Districts will keep track of the completion dates of approved training and connect them to the contract period for which the teacher is hired.
This is at the discretion of your employing district. Ideally, it’s better to have the TEAMS teacher in front of students each day and complete professional learning while students are not in session, but there is no prohibition against your district allowing you to get a substitute to attend approved PD.
Yes, TEAMS contracts require 189 workdays.
Providers will submit an application to the ALSDE. Additional guidance and the application process can be found on the Professional Learning pageon the ALSDE website.
Districts will keep track of the completion dates of approved training and connect them to the contract period for which the teacher is hired. It is the responsibility of a TEAMS teacher and his or her district to approve/maintain professional learning in accordance with local policies and the necessary required days of TEAMS approved PD. Progress or status reports are not required to be submitted to ALSDE unless requested in a TEAMS audit or other monitoring situation. For a sample tracking form that may be utilized by districts, please view FY22-2029
There are currently no ALSDE eLearning courses that count as TEAMS approved PD.
The TEAMS Act requires at least four (4) days of state-approved professional development. Although professional development is often calculated in clock hours, each teacher should complete sufficient PD to equate to four (4) workdays. A minimum of six (6) hours is required to qualify as a “day” of PD.
National Institute of Stem Education (NISE) and NBCT trainings directly related to a TEAMS contract may qualify as approved TEAMS PD and are on the Approved TEAMs Professional Development List
Only if the provider applies and is placed on the Approved PD
No; professional development hours must be completed during the contract year and cannot be rolled over to future contract years.
Yes, the nine days of professional development should be completed during the contract period specified in the approved annual contract.
A participating teacher voluntarily relinquishes continuing service (i.e., “tenure”) status under the Students First Act. Years of service in TEAMS do not count toward earning tenure under the Students First Act.
Any teacher who has attained continuing service status with his or her local board, and elects participation in the program under the same local board, shall be deemed to have voluntarily relinquished his or her status and protections under the Students First Act. The only exception is any teacher who has attained continuing service status with his or her local board as of June 30, 2021, and elects participation in the program under the same local board and maintains adequate progress toward the advanced contract qualifications but fails to obtain the credential or certification shall have one-time reversion rights to the previous service status at the end of his or her preliminary contract period(s).
Years of teaching on the TEAMS plan would count toward retirement, but any specific retirement questions should be directed to the Retirement Systems of Alabama. Each teacher on the TEAMS plan is properly placed on the TEAMS salary schedule according to degree earned and years of public education service, either in-state or out-of-state.
Generally, any otherwise eligible teacher may qualify for preliminary one-year contract(s) while obtaining a necessary advanced credential. Each individual contract must include a provision to ensure adequate progress toward the advanced contract qualifications, to include benchmark advancement during the teacher’s preliminary contract period. The Model Contract provides the required “adequate progress” benchmarks and spells out the penalties and/or recourse for failing to maintain progress toward the advanced credential.
Once a teacher obtains the advanced credential, he or she may qualify for advanced contract(s) for up to a period of up to three years.
However, teachers with more than 20 years of service who hold an advanced credential shall be offered an advanced contract for a period of 5 years.
Years of teaching on the TEAMS plan would count toward retirement, but any specific retirement questions should be directed to the Retirement Systems of Alabama. Each teacher on the TEAMS plan is properly placed on the TEAMS salary schedule according to degree earned and years of public education service, either in-state or out-of-state..
Subject to annual verification, you can receive the NBCT stipend in addition to the new TEAMS salary matrix.
The TEAMS pay scale and hard-to-staff supplement is for all eligible teachers on a preliminary or advanced contract.
Yes, each participating teacher shall be properly placed on the TEAMS salary schedule according to degree earned and years of public education service, either in-state or out-of-state.
Act 2021-340 provides the department shall allocate “the appropriate incremental TEAMS salary increases net of the State Minimum Salary Schedule” monthly. Essentially, the TEAMS fund in the treasury will pay the difference between the TEAMS Salary schedule and Regular Salary Schedule. The Act does not add additional teacher units or make any changes to the foundation program (school funding mechanism).
Once each district has hired/executed TEAMS contracts, they will be required to submit certain data to the ALSDE as their request for TEAMS funding. You will receive notification of approval.
We are in the process of calculating the funding for each LEA based on the approval received from Teacher Certification. Funds will be disbursed to the LEAs as follows:
Based on the approvals from Teacher Certification, funds will be disbursed to the LEAs as follows:
When the initial disbursement is received, a portion of those funds should be posted against the receivable.
Districts will receive TEAMS funding as contracts are executed and they apply for funding.
If a current teacher was already approved for master’s or higher pay on the Regular Teacher Salary Schedule, ALSDE will provide funding for the comparable salary cell under the TEAMS schedule. All Verification of Higher Degree (VHD)and processing of such will remain the same. Although a local district may choose to pay at a higher rate, only those higher degrees recognized by ALSDE certification section will equate to what TEAMS funding the district will receive.
Please submit applications to the ALSDE as soon as possible, and no later than May 31 of each year
1 year of service would be 12 months. Each teacher is given credit for a year of service.
We will be paying from the time the contract is initiated for each teacher. There will be mid-year recipients and the start date of the contract determines the prorated amount to be paid for the remainder of the year.
The contract date needs to reflect when the teacher had the proper teaching certificate under TEAMS. Yes, the contract can be prorated for less than a year, as long as the teacher can maintain the contract requirements to obtain their advance credential.